Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Rounding the Final NaBloPoMo Bend ...

Man, I'll be happy when Dec. 1 comes and I can stop posting unless I have something pertinent to say.

OTOH, it's been rather fun, in a way, to try to come up with something to say, other than "Hey, this counts as my post today!"

So one piece of positive news is that I've lost 12 pounds in the past couple months.

Don't worry -- I'm not fading away or anything. I have gained way too much weight in this 18 months of illness (not to mention the over 27 months since I had to quit going to the gym because of my back injury from an auto accident).

But as someone who has watched her weight go up and down, up and down, over the years, it's always pleasant to be surprised when the scale is heading in the right direction.

I'm fairly sure it's my anti-depressant affecting my appetite. But no complaints here. My internist and I chose to try the anti-depressants with weight loss as a side effect before trying the ones that tend to cause weight gain (sometimes significant weight gain). And I got lucky, and Cymbalta worked for me.

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