Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Yes, I AM a Lemming ...

In other words, I've become an "Amazon Associate." 

That means that if you use the Amazon link on the blog's sidebar (if you read this via email or RSS feed, you'll have to visit the actual blog to see the sidebar), I receive about 4 percent of whatever you buy. 

It doesn't cost you anything extra on top of your purchase. You still get Amazon's great prices on just about anything you might want, and the free shipping on many items if you spend at least $25. 

And I won't know who used the link or what you bought. (Actually, I guess I'm not 100 percent sure of that last part. I know I definitely won't know who used the link.)

I feel a little awkward even mentioning this and asking y'all to use my link (or the link of another blogger you want to support). But heck, so many friends and family have asked if there's anything they can do from afar to help us out, I figured I'd go ahead and mention this.

And if you don't use my Amazon link, please do consider using a link to Amazon from another blog you enjoy. Nobody's going to get rich from this, except maybe Amazon stockholders, but even a tiny commission helps a lot. 


1 comment:

Jeanne said...


Good for you! Even if (sniff sniff) it means you are now my competition. :)

Seriously, like you said... it's only a small referral fee BUT some is better than none.

You are right that you will NOT see who placed the orders through your site. It is possible to see what was purchased. (I can walk you through the screens offline if you like).

I know what you mean about feeling awkward posting about it. I felt the exact same way when I posted about my Amazon links.

However, no one will use them if they don't notice them or understand how they work. So, you are doing exactly what is needed in order for the links to do any good. People tend to scan right past them if they're not pointed out.

Congratulations on getting set up with Amazon links! :)
