Saturday, November 5, 2011

Words of Wisdom From Someone Who Knows

It's been a lazy (for me) Saturday.

I slept for 12 hours overnight (boy, did I need that!) and woke up still exhausted. I was back in bed sleeping within three hours of waking up. It's just been that kind of day. 

Scott and Ellie, of course, had a very different kind of day. 

Meanwhile, somewhere in the occasional waking times, I came across a link for a blog post by Rheumatoid Arthritis Guy that I thought was worth sharing about the 10 things he has learned from living with chronic illness that I think applies to people with a wide range of diagnoses (or, like me, still waiting for that diagnosis).

Of course, his first item on the list about getting all the rest his body needs not making him lazy resonated today. :) 

But his other points are good ones too. 

Hope you're all having a good weekend! 

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